Trillian 5.0 Build 33 Pro | 12.63 MBTrillian can connect to AIM, Windows Live, Yahoo!, Google, Facebook Chat, Jabber, Skype and a lot more. Trillian 5 introduces improved Facebook Chat via XMPP and support for Foursquare, LinkedIn, and studiVZ / meinVZ / schuelerVZ chat!
With a multitude of options and a comprehensive library of plugins, skins and skin packs, you can extend and customize Trillian in any way imaginable. Show RSS feeds or even play music while chugging along with a contact list right out of Terminator 5. Trillian is built directly in C++ using native Windows APIs. Not relying on third-party runtimes or toolkits means lower memory consumption and direct access to native Windows features as soon as they're made available to developers. Trillian 5 for Windows is the smoothest and fastest version of Trillian ever!
Install Notes:
1. Install Trillian. (trillian-v5.0.0.33.exe) (Be careful and decline 3rd party softwares during install) !Do Not launch when install finishes!
2. Copy/Paste patch.exe into installation directory and run it. (you can uncheck make backup if you like)
Other Notes:
* If you are new to Trillian you must register a new account. Upon opening Trillian for the first time, press Register for a new account and continue through the rest of signup with actual info.
* When using the latest patch with build 32, ads were still showing. It turns out that it was a problem with Build 32 and not the patcher. Enjoy build 33 with this awesome patcher that should work throughout the rest of Trillian 5.